In celebration of Foster Care Fortnight, Foster with Slough’s carers were treated to an afternoon tea.
The afternoon was a wonderful opportunity for us to express our gratitude for the work that they do, as well as share memories and have fun.
“It is essential to take a moment to pause and celebrate the extraordinary individuals who open their hearts and homes to those in need locally, Saima Arif, Head of Service for Regulated Services said.
“Your tireless efforts and boundless generosity make a profound difference in the lives of countless children, shaping their futures and providing with a happy, safe & loved thriving home.”
Our foster carers were joined by Slough Children First Staff, the Mayor of Slough, Councillor Amjad Abbasi and Councillor Dexter J. Smith, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Improvement & Recovery, Governance and HR.
Speaking at the afternoon tea, the Mayor of Slough acknowledged the importance of Corporate Parents.
“As a council we are proud to work with everyone at Slough Children First to help ensure that each child in Slough is Happy, Safe & Loved, Thriving” he said. “I want you to remember that you are making a difference and keep doing what you are doing for our children.”
To all our foster carers, thank you for your unwavering commitment and support and we hope you enjoyed the day.